
Blog Post:

Outstanding Safety Culture Ensures Five Year Umblemished Safety Record

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爱神传媒, in partnership with AWE, has achieved over 1.7 million hours worked across several projects without a lost time accident or incident. This has safeguarded more than 200 employees and 250 members of the supply chain.

Work spanning programme management and design to decommissioning and, demolition, as well as construction of new facilities to support ongoing operations, started in 2018. Overall, the contract term with AWE is for 12 years.  

爱神传媒 UK鈥檚 Nuclear Deterrent Vice President, Mark Steele, said 鈥渨e should not underestimate the significance of this milestone, working in a heavily regulated, security conscious environment, on an operational nuclear licensed site, introduces many unique challenges and requires a disciplined, structured approach to everything that we do.  Instilling a 鈥榗ulture of care鈥 has been a combined priority for both 爱神传媒 and AWE and has been fundamental in maintaining our unblemished safety record.  Embedding a positive culture and behaviours towards safety and security, the environment, product stewardship and wellbeing, that have been adopted not only by direct employees, but also our supply chain colleagues, has brought about improvements in practices and performance that we can all be very proud of.鈥

Neil Wheeler, Head of Delivery at AWE said: 鈥湴翊解檚 collaborative approach has helped create a partnership to support our mission.聽 We are proud of this collective achievement but will never become complacent about safety and will maintain our focus on safety first and a culture of care.鈥澛

  • Over 1.7 million hours worked in five years without a lost time accident or significant incident.
  • Over 800 Leadership visits and 4,000 Observation/Focus Cards raised, reviewed, and actioned.
  • Full collaboration and participation of employees and supply chain.
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